

by Skyler Thomas

Testimonial from Vanessa:
"Building a fully functional, beautifully designed, Shopify website that would also work for my in-person selling needs scared me for a decade. When I reached out to Skyler initially, she immediately treated me like a partner and offered me advice even before I hired her to do the full project. I knew then that Skyler's expertise, empathy, and energy would result in the most amazing collaboration to get my project off the ground. She walked me through challenging moments of the process with grace, and cheered me on when we made big breakthroughs. I couldn't recommend her more to clients who want to build out their dream website and need a guide through the complex technical AND emotional process creating it. No questions were ever off the table, and I learned so much from Skyler. Totally worth the investment (and I feel like I've made a lifelong friend along the way)."
Client: resetreality
Project: Bright & fun artist business based in NYC
Style: Large eComm build where colorful & fun meets highly sorted and filtered inventory, integrated Etsy reviews & customer base, transferred from Flodesk > Shopify Email, and more.
Instagram: @_resetreality
  • Mega filtering project - custom filters: By Product, By Size, By Theme, By Bird Type
  • Flodesk > Shopify Email
  • Imported all reviews from Etsy into Shopify and assigned them to appropriate products + implemented reviews for ongoing review collection
  • Sourced and developed creative direction for mockups and photography direction
  • Custom coded floating elements and wave transitions throughout the website
  • Coded Metafields to create intense filter sets so that shoppers can filter down product results by color, by theme, by Product Type, and more.
  • Implemented Cookies app to comply with all selling overseas privacy policies.
  • Implemented email campaign (launch email, welcome email, abandoned cart email and more)
  • Implemented custom gallery that doubled as a 'blog' with ability to link out to blog posts for more details
  • Setup custom product templates per product type to display dynamic content

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